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Student: Ivan Šurlina
About project
This project is aimed to implement Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) within RITEH Cloud. RITEH Cloud is established within the student project RITEH Cloud using the physical equipment of Software Engineering and Information Processing Laboratory SEIP Lab at Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka. Within the project we established the infrastructure needed for Service deployment and discovery. Moreover, we developed teaching tools and environment that should enable future generation of computer science students at Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka to develop their own web services and to evaluate and experiment their interoperability and quality characteristics within the real network environment.
The main goal of establishing Service Oriented Architecture within the Cloud environment is allowing autonomous and runtime service deployment and discovery. This infrastructure opens new possibilities for automatization of software lifecycle processes. Automated software engineering practices will bring significant cost reduction in software maintenance and ownership. Also, simplified use and higher service availability over Internet network opens huge opportunities in new networking world. Automatized software engineering and experimentation with software engineering practices within the new network environments is one of the main research goals of research group within the SEIP Lab.
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