Our member Goran Mauša awarded the University of Rijeka best young researcher award in 2016
Postdoctoral fellow Goran Mauša was awarded the University of Rijeka Foundation 2016 annual award in the category of young researchers in the scientific fields of engineering and natural sciences. The University of Rijeka Foundation annually awards scientists, artists and young researchers for exceptional contribution in scientific, artistic and educational work in contributing to the development of University of Rijeka and broader community. SEIP lab member Goran Mauša is one of the six awardees for their work in 2016.
Our new member Ana Vranković participated in SofCOM 2016 PhD Forum in Split, on September 22, 2016
Ana Vranković is our new team member in the EVOSOFT project. She already paritcipated in the first PhD Forum organized within the SoftCOM conference in Split on September 22-24, 2016. The title of her presentation was Structural dependencies between system fault distribution principles.
We joined the CEEPUS III Network: CIII-HU-0019-00-1617
Faculty of Engineering and SEIP Lab entered the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS) network. The name of our network is International Cooperation in Computer Science and our CEEPUS coordinator is Tihana Galinac Grbac. Together with our partners from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia we offer our students and team members the opportunity to study and work abroad.
Our member Goran Mauša won the best research idea award at the summer school SBSE 2016 in Cadiz, on June 29 – July 1, 2016
EVOSOFT project provided the opportunity for Goran Mauša to participate in the first Summer School on Search-based Software Engineering (SS-SBSE) that was organized in Cadiz, between June 29 and July 1. He was in a team with Aurora Ramírez Quesada that won the best research idea award entitled Defect Prediction Using a SBSE Approach.
Our students participated Summer School on NFV meets Big Data
Our master student Nikola Domazet has participated Summer School NFV meets Big Data. The Summer School was organized by European project ACROSS COST action. More information you can find in student report here.
ANNOUNCEMENT and CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS to Summer workshop Ericsson Nikola Tesla Summer Camp 2015
Summer workshop Ericsson Nikola Tesla Summer Camp 2015 is organized by Ericsson Nikola Tesla company and Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka
Application is open for all students on graduate study programme and on final year of undergraduate study programme of Computing. Applications must be e-mailed until 24 April, 2015 to following address: tihana.galinac@riteh.hr. The application form must contain a CV structured according to the following template.
Further information about the summer school can be found here.
SEIP Lab is inviting everyone to the lecture “Secure Communications on Networks with No Trusted Nodes Using Color Avoiding Percolation” in lecture hall P4 at the Faculty of Engineering, at 12:00 0′clock on March 6
The lecture is organized by the IEEE Croatian Section and the University in Rijeka and will be held by Vinko Zlatić from the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb. Further details about the lecture can be found here.
SEIP Lab members participated in Bug Insertion Points Workshop, organized by the ELFF research group from Brunel University in London, on January 20 – 21, 2015
The workshop involved a small selection of researchers actively working on the problem of identifying bug insertion points. The purpose of this workshop was to pull together the key methods for identifying where a fault was inserted in software code. Tihana Galinac Grbac and Goran Mauša presented the research results on bug-code linking techniques, development of BuCo Analyzer tool and systematic comparison of data collection approaches for software defect prediction. The conclusions and future work plans of the workshop are:
- There is a need for gold standard fault datasets that could serve as a comparison basis for any future attempts on collecting the data
- There need to be guidelines on how defect data should be collected that would leave no room to interpretation and, consequently, data bias
- Researchers need greater engagement with industry
Here is our presentation on Data Collection from Open Source Software Repositories.
The traditional gathering SEIP Lab Caffe will take place at the Faculty of Engineering in classroom U9 at 4 0′clock PM, on January 7, 2015
By the end of the year, we traditionally gather all of our students who worked on projects within the SEIP Lab in the past year. It is a non-formal meeting where students and professors present their contributions in various projects. The program can be found here.
Our students participated in “Rockwool and students”, a professional visit to the factory of stone wool Rockwool in Pićan on November 28 2014
The event attended over 100 students and professors from the Faculty of Engineering Rijeka, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Zagreb and Polytechnic Pula. Students were given a tour of the manufacturing plant, and had an organized thematic workshops according to the interests of each faculty. After that, students held interesting presentations of various projects in which they participate. This was a good opportunity for students to share their experiences and knowledge. As part of the students’ presentations, Emil Rubinic from Faculty of Engineering has presented an interesting study entitled by “Estimation of energy performance of residential buildings using genetic algorithms”. The research was conducted within the Software Engineering and Information Processing Laboratory. The presentation can be seen here.
SEIP Lab invited Prof. Per J. Runeson for a scientific colloquium at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka on October 27th 2014
Prof. Per J. Runeson from the Department of Computer Science of Lund University, Sweden was our invited lecturer. The title of his scientific colloquium was Case Study Research in Software Engineering.
It was the 18th scientific colloquium at the University of Rijeka in academic year 2013/2014 whose goal is to present activities and scientific achievements of national and international scientists. Here is the abstract of the lecture and a short CV of Prof. Runeson.